Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cool Spots

Testing if I can post YouTube properly...



Friday, October 20, 2006

CMLL TV 8/26/06 & AAA TV 8/6/06 in Morelia

CMLL TV 8/26/06:

Dr. Wagner Jr./Mistico/Volador Jr. vs Atlantis/Eclipse/Olimpico: Not as great as I had hoped it be. Had some fun momentos, even when the rudos were in control but overall it too little went on so it felt like only 2/3 minutes of real action. Eclipse has a great look and takes good bumps but he still appears far too awkward inside the ring. Third fall was supposed to be the Mistico/Volador show but they blew two spots in a row which kinda killed the big pop for the finishing dual dives where they both did planchas off the turnbuckle. I liked their dual springboard corkscrew planchas in the second fall much better. Wagner monkey flipped Atlantis on the ramp and then hit his usual dive. Tecnicos take it.

Torneo Leyenda De Plata - Group A: Joined in progress right as Metron does a moonsault plancha off the ringpost onto Mephisto. They appeared to either join this REALLY late or it was just EXTREMELY short b/c the finishes came fast and often with nothing at all in between unless you count a crazy assisted running somersault plancha from Bucanero. Finish came down to Bucanero and Warrior. Warrior did a tope of not so death and then won with his secondary submission hold. Disapointing.

Momentos had one AMAZING spot that could have been spot of the year had Valiente's dive not been the week before. Tzuki got reverse monkey flipped off the apron into a frankensteiner on Pequeno Violencia!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT! Definitely a highlight spot and makes me sad we don't see more of Tzuki.:(

El Hijo Del Santo vs Perro Aguayo Jr.: Well, I think Perrito is big time exposed in singles matches. He really is 99% charisma, 1% ability which is why he is such a great trios worker. The first fall clearly shows that with the chaos on the floor to distract from the fact Perrito is just punching and kicking Santo or stalling by staring at the crowd. When it comes to the second fall - the comeback was brilliant and the finishing submission was out of this world. The third fall had it's moments, mostly all due to Santo. Then of course there is the way overbooked ending that is becoming a staple of Perrito's b/c he never wants to lose clean. Do you need a ref bump? Maybe. But a mask pull? AND A LOW BLOW? It's so over the top and unneccessary. Really left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm sure everyone else will love this though.

Not the greatest episode even though on paper it looked like it could have been great.

AAA TV 8/6/06 in Morelia:

Brandon/Pimpinela Escarlata/Fabi Apache vs Gran Apache/Polvo De Estrellas/Tiffany: Decent enough match. The story was Brandon returned out of nowhere and was making unwanted gestures during the match towards Fabi. This overshadowed the fact Brandon made a great return and had a great match but oh well. There was a dive sequence at the end and father/daughter got to finish the match. Brandon interfered and kissed Fabi so her dad could roll her up. Billy Boy ran out and obviously didn't like that so he low blowed Apache, dropkicked Brandon outside and MURDERIZED him with a TOPE OF DEATH! Watch and learn Black Warrior! Good match and good angle.

Mascarita Sagrada 2000/Octagoncito/Mascarita Divina vs Mini Abismo Negro/Mini Charly Manson/Mini Chessman: What a disapointment. I was hoping this would be the blowaway trios matches of the year for mini's but it never even came close. Lots of blown spots and badly orchestrated sequences. Divina and Manson didn't seem to add anything to the match, probably b/c they were forced to work with people besides themselves. When it was just them two in the ring it was fine but they were like deers in the headlights otherwise. Octagoncito did two cool dives during the match and Mini Abismo was clearly the best worker on either team. They picked it up a bit for the finish but the crowd really wasn't into the match at all. Tecnicos won with a triple roll-up with Divina's being the best... naturally b/c it was on his brother.

Crazzy Boy/Joe Lider/Juventud Guerrera vs Escoria/El Cuervo/Ozz: Another 'eh' match between these teams. I think the goal was to introduce the more extreme style with tables and boards getting involved but the spots involving the gimmicks ended up being blown. First Ozz got dropkicked and fell onto a board that broke even though I don't think it was supposed to. Then Lider got backdropped over the top onto a table that broke while being setup so he landed on the floor pretty much. Then Psicosis ran out and he Crazzy Boy tried to spear Ozz and Cuervo through what was left of the first board but their bumps were awful. Crazzy Boy made it worse by doing a lame somersault off the ramp barely connecting with Cuervo. Then Psicosis grabbed a lighttube and went to hit Escoria with it but ended up nailing Juventud. Escoria faked a low blow and got the win while Juventud got stretchered. Bad.

El Elegido/Laredo Kid/Mascara Divina vs Alan Stone/Histeria/Scorpio Jr.: Laredo Kid was a replacement for Angel I think and that turned out to be a good move b/c he looked great in this. So did Divina and well... Elegido is Elegido.:) Laredo Kid at one point did a 450 splash off the apron onto Alan Stone! Later he did a second rope springboard no-hands Venum style tornillo that was absolutely INSANE! Finish was a clean tecnico win which was nice to see. Good match.

La Parka Jr./Gronda II/El Zorro vs Chessman/Electro Shock/Muerte Cibernetica: This was the begining of Chessman/Muerte not getting along. There was brawling early on but Chessman refused to help Muerte and vice versa. This led to the tecnico comeback. There wasn't much to speak of when it comes to spots since Parka was the only tecnico working this as an actual match. For some reason Gronda decided tonight would be the night he does his first ever dive and he got assisted by Electro Shock into a plancha over the top rope! I won't even mention who had to do the catching.:P I think the rudos won by cheating... maybe. Too tired to go check rudopolis.

Average episode at best. Opener, various parts of the mini's match and the semi-main were the only things worth seeing. You can do better when shopping for AAA DVD's.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

CMLL TV 8/19/06 + AAA TV in Monterrey 7/30/06

CMLL TV 8/19/06:

I *really* underrated this show when I first saw it. Henrik said he thought it was up there with the 8/4 taping. I wouldn't go that far but it was really good...

Virus/Tigre Metalico/El Hijo Del Texano vs Loco Max/Sangre Azteca/Shigeo Okumura: Surprising that this match even made TV since it was a normal shortened 1:45 time slot. Nice slow work to start off. Virus and Okumura had a really good exchange. Virus is just TOO GOOD. It's gotta be illegal how smooth he is in the ring. Tecnicos take the fall with Metalico using a nice spinning DDT variation on Loco Max. Second fall seems to be JIP during a Metalico/Max exchange. There is another exchange before the rudos take over. Sangre's dropkick to the taint(you got a better description?) got a HUGE pop. Well it certainly looks painful! Third fall was more rudo domination. Azteca and Okumura teamed up to botch a weird double team move. The action spilled onto the ramp where Virus and Metalico were whipped into each other. Camera switched to the opposite side outside the ring where Texano threw Azteca into the ringpost and we barely caught Metalico using Virus' back as a springboard to vault himself into a double dropkick inside the ring. Metalico hit a tope on Azteca and then it looked like the rudos were ready to use both their finishers on the tecnicos but Texano countered Okumura's inverted DDT with his fireman's carry backbreaker at the same time as Virus countered the top-rope headscissors with a top rope fireman's carry slam! Great finish!

Felino/La Mascara/Sagrado vs Alex Koslov/Damian El Terrible/Misterioso II: Fantastic match! Even before the fantastic match was a fantastic skit with Koslov's team. Absolutely hilarious! Sagrado/Koslov began with matwork and eventually gave way to Felino and Terrible, who seemed extra motivated ont his night. Terrible even did a no-hands kip-up! That's the most athleticism he's ever shown! Mascara did his usual running frankensteiner but then used an enzuigiri! NEW MASCARA SPOT ALERT!!! Sagrado eventually got triple teamed by the rudos and soon afterwards the fall was over with a Terrible Styles Clash, a Misterioso II Gory Driver and a Koslov springboard plancha to the floor on Sagrado! Great finish. Second fall was more rudos until the inevitable comeback. Felino did a somersault off the top rope to the outside on Terrible, Mascara used a somersault into a sunset flip on Misterioso and Sagrado used an AWESOME wheelbarrow lungblower on Koslov! Third great finish to a fall in a row! Third fall was off the charts with tons of amazing spots and the crowd red hot for everything the guys were doing. It wouldn't be worth typing up every move, you just gotta see it. Koslov was REALLY over. Near the end there was a really awesome spot where Sagrado did a springboard sunset flip on Koslov as he gave Mascara a vertical suplex. Mascara seemed totally unprepared for the spot but somehow it turned out awesome. Mascara ended up doing his usual plancha over the ringpost on Misterioso. Sagrado went for a wheelbarrow something but got suplexed by Terrible and then Koslov used an awesome russian legsweep into a crossface submission for the win! Four great finishes in a row - three of them in this match alone! Easily a MOTYC for me. Reminded me of the old Marvin/Virus/Volador vs Habanas matches.

Momentos was one of the best Momentos of the year. Started off with Valiente's DIVE OF THE YEAR CANDIDATE(and probable winner)! See it here: Next up was Mascara Purpura with a running somersault plancha on Nitro. Following that was Metron with a moonsault off the ringpost! After that was a Felino somersault plancha off the top rope, Volador Jr. Spanish Fly and Metron springboard reverse blind tope! Why can't Momentos be like this every week???

Mistico/Heavy Metal/Volador Jr. vs Black Warrior/El Averno/El Mephisto: This was the start of Volador's rise on the cards as he took Negro Casas' place and formed a great looking team with Mistico! Unfortunately the great finishes streak came to an end as the rudos brawled to win the first fall and used generic finishing spots that we've seen a million times. The second fall comeback/finish was too quick but at least had a cool double dive spot as Volador nailed a springboard corkscrew plancha as Mistico ran up behind him to hit a corkscrew plancha off the top rope! Third fall had tons of heat, especially when Mistico wanted Warrior to get in the ring but Warrior refused to enter. Heavy Metal seemed a little extra motivated and hit the fastest double team armdrag spot I have ever seen! Volador Jr. springboarded in with Mistico's usual Super Quebrada which got a HUGE pop! He worked a nice exchange with Averno and then a quick spot with Mephisto. Mistico then worked his usual spots with Averno and Mephisto which the crowd loved. He then finally got Warrior and sent him outside, then Metal came in and nailed Warrior with a slingshot somersault plancha! They went straight to the big finish which was Volador nailed Mephisto with the Spanish Fly and immediatly afterwards Mistico using La Mistica on Averno! Definitely a by the numbers match but a hot crowd, Mistico/Volador finally teaming and every spot being hit perfectly = another great match!

El Hijo Del Santo/Dr. Wagner Jr./Dos Caras Jr. vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Damian 666: Way better than I remembered it being! In fact, I wanna go on record and say Hector Garza's performance in this match, especially the third fall, is one of the greatest single performances of the year in one match from any wrestler in any promotion! Any new fan watching this would think he was the big star, not Perrito. Pre-match was the Latin Lover introduction and then the rudos jumped the tecnicos during their entrance. Rudos took the fall with a triple team move involving a Perrito double stomp off the top and then a dual power bomb. Camera missed it but the other pinfall was a Garza second rope moonsault on Caras as he was being suspended in mid-air which must have been neat. Perrito did his usual rabid dog spot in the second fall which caused him to fall outside the ring. As he celebrated with his fellow PdM fans, Santo came at him with a ringpsot tope suicida! This cued the comeback and finish with the tecnicos coming out on top. The third fall was OFF THE CHARTS! Amazing work by everyone but especially Garza as I already mentioned. He had tons of hilarious spots with Caras and Wagner but was also bringing the workrate in between the comedy. Perrito took a couple of nice bumps as well which was surprising. There was a ref bump which caused the second ref to check on his partner and left the ring empty aside from the wrestlers. Wagner went for his usual dive off the ramp but Damian stopped him. Then Damian backdropped Dos Jr. onto the ramp but got nailed with a springboard dropkick. Dos Jr. went for the press slam but Perrito low blowed him which in turn caused Dos Jr. to drop Damian on the top rope low blowing him too! Genius! Santo sent Perrito to the floor and then headscissor'ed Garza outside so Wagner could finally hit his dive. In the ring, Perrito ended up low blowing Santo and getting the win. Cheap finish but good setup for the following week. Crowd was loving everything in this match which made for a great atmosphere.

Awesome episode! Highly reccomended! Just a notch below the 8/5 TV show which the blowaway episode. YOU NEED THIS!!!

AAA TV 7/30/06 in Monterrey:

I'm gonna be short with comments since I saw this a long time ago and already commented on it a bit...

Hombre Sin Miedo/Pimpinela Escarlata/Mascarita Divina/Estrellita vs Tito Santana/May Flowers/Mini Charly Manson/Tiffany: The mini's looked good in their debut under these gimmicks. Miedo looked way better than the last time I saw him on TV and his work with Santana was impressive. The finish had some nice dives. Good opener.

El Elegido/Mascara Divina/Laredo Kid/Rey Cometa vs Escoria/El Cuervo/Ozz/Espiritu: Specifically booked for Monterrey with each fall having a goofy low blow finish. Laredo Kid and Rey Cometa got to do some nice spots of course and looked fantastic combined. First fall had the rudos fake a low blow to win. Second fall had the tecnicos doing the same. Totally ruined the flow of the match. Third fall was just the rudos dominating and getting DQ'ed for too much violence. Badly booked with the only saving grace being some nice spots.

Crazzy Boy/Joe Lider/Juventud Guerrera/Psicosis vs Abismo Negro/Extreme Tiger/Histeria/Rio Bravo: Too many spots. Tons of dives. Crazzy Boy overshot a moonsault off the balcony but luckily didn't injure himself too badly. Tiger looked absolutely AWFUL. Finish was a double low blow with Tiger and Juventud which caused a double DQ naturally. Thankfully this was the last time we would ever have to see Extreme Tiger on TV as RXLL was formed and Tiger made a stupid career decision to leave the promotion with national TV and join the promotion that thought Vampiro vs X-Pac would draw thousands as long as the undercards had PWG guys who can barely draw 300 fans to their own shows.

El Zorro vs Electro Shock: Really heated match, especially when Zorro had his mask yanked off. He was bleeding again so I guess that's the gimmick of what happens which his mask comes off. Electro ended up getting a clean win somehow. If you are into this feud, it was a pretty good match. If you hate both guys going in, you aren't gonna enjoy this.

La Parka Jr./Brazo De Plata/Gronda II vs Chessman/Konnan/Muerte Cibernetico: Barely a match. The match itself went about 90 seconds. But the angle... WOW... THE ANGLE! One of the best angles of the year with Cibernetico come out before the match and Banderas bitchslapping him over the mic, then punching him and forcing La Secta to choose between who they wanted. So they all jumped Cibernetico and beat on his injured leg. Crowd was going NUTS for this. Chessman wanted to help Cibernetico but was held back by Konnan and La Secta. After an extended beatdown, Banderas bitchslapped Chessman over the mic and dared him to help Ciber. Chessman looked torn as to who to help. Ciber got stretchered to the back while the tecnicos made their entrances. Parka used a spinning backbreaker on Espiritu on the ramp, then dove over the top rope into the ring to take out Chessman and Banderas! Chessman got up and speared the injured Gronda on the ramp! The refs got into it and Copetas went for a tope suicida on Tirantes who moved and Escoria got nailed! All the remaining rudos started pounding on Parka and Porky so Tirantes entered the ring and DQ'ed them! By the way - crowd was still going nuts! Rudos took off and went backstage to attack Cibernetico while Estrellita lay there trying to protect her new love interest. Tecnicos celebrated in the ring in the meantime. Pean was also shown backstage trying to protect Cibernetico. Great fucking angle!

Overall it's worth getting the show just to see the big angle with Ciber turning face and there is enough action throughout all four of the previous matches to make you happy.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

AULL "Todos Somos Estrellas" - 10/11/06

Here's the deal... AULL has been presenting some amazing shows ever since they got a TV slot. Most of the press has gone to their local guys who have proven themselves as excellent workers and are quickly causing quite the controversy over who are better - the big time TV guys or the small time local guys. Hector Guzman, who promotes the shows, seems to have a good brain on his shoulder as he's been putting together strong lineups and thus decided to put together a concept unheard of in Mexico these days... a card where everyone is considered a star! Yes, it's easy to say everyone is a star but when you have 10 straight weeks of Zayco in openers and Lizmark Jr. in main events, everyone knows who the real star is. So Guzman decided to book a bunch of bigger name wrestlers as usual except... he mixed the matches up and instead of your typical Dos Jr./Mistico/Villano III vs Atlantis/Olimpico/Tarzan Boy main event... all those guys were put in seperate matches. Sharing the wealth so to speak. All four of the top matches were called the 'lucha estrella' which basically means main event to the average fan. Guzman even went a step further and outsmarted everyone who assumed Mistico's match would automatically be the main event. He put his match up SECOND FROM THE TOP! Now that's pretty unheard of in Mexico these days, especially since the last match that went on ended up having Villano III and Halloween as the only big names.

This card took GUTS! Good for Guzman and AULL!

Onto the show...

Mascara Sagrada/Rocky Santana/Astro Boy vs Dr. Karonte Jr./Heavy Boy/Misterio (replacing an injured Tarzan Boy): Can you believe Sagrada is in a TV opener and working against these rudos? It's unreal. In fact, he must have not known this was going to happen b/c he definitely had on his "I hate my life" face. And yes... I know he is masked but his body language told it all. Only new face here is Heavy Boy who is a regular poster on the Box y Lucha message board and works in Coacalco every Sunday. I thought he was just one of your typical Crazzy Boy wannabe's and maybe he is... but he looked good in this. Everyone did aside from Sagrada. Astro Boy and Karonte Jr. only disapoint me b/c they constantly work against each other only and always do the same exchange. Maybe they feel they have to do that to get noticed by CMLL since that's their style? Tecnicos took the first fall. Second fall went to the rudos with a Spanish Fly off the second rope by Karonte Jr. on his brother. Third fall was good and Sagrada finally seemed to get into the match a bit. He didn't even shoot punch Karonte Jr. after being locked in an upside down submission where he had to sell for about 20 seconds while Astro Boy made the delayed save. Finish had Astro Boy doing a tope suicida on his brother(obviously). Then Santana slammed Heavy Boy to the mat face-first and Sagrada used a back suplex on Misterio. Solid opener which really emphasized the everyone is a star gimmick.

Dos Caras Jr./Robin Maravilla/Ultimo Gladiador vs Olimpico/Scandalo/Sepulturero: Only new face here is Scandalo. I figured Dos Jr. and Olimpico would just keep to themselves and let the other guys do whatever they wanted but once again the everyone is a star format was emphasized as Olimpico worked with each tecnico and Dos Jr. worked with each rudo. Dos Jr./Olimpico were easily the most cheered guys but the other four turned in great performances. If AULL had their TV cancelled next week and Maravilla was never seen again, he would be right up there with Flying on my list of guys who looked like wrestling geniuses but disapeared forever. Seriously... Maravilla is SO GOD DAMN FREAKIN' AWESOME! First I thought it was Navarro making him look good... then I thought he was just working with great rudos... now I'm convinced this is a guy we need more footage of immediatly. His matwork was great and he did some very Skayde-esque spots during a faster exchange later in the match. Gladiador looked impressive once again. Rudos ganged up on the tecnicos and took the first fall. Tecnicos made a comeback and won the second fall as Olimpico ran from Caras. Third fall was REALLY GOOD and had lots of nice work from everyone. Dos Jr. and Olimpico did a posedown for some reason which was the only time the match slowed down. Finish had Gladiador fake a dive and then superkick Sepulturero into the crowd. What's coming next? You know it... ULTIMO GLADIADOR ASAI MOOSANULT OVER THE GUARDRAIL ONTO A BUNCH OF FANS!!! Scary for two reasons: 1) He barely cleared the guardrail and almost smashed face-first into the top of it; 2) His feet smacked a lady in the third row. Maravilla was next with a tope suicida on Scandalo which left Dos Jr. and Olimpico. Dos Jr. went for his press slam but Olimpico yanked off his mask and got the pinfall, only for the decision to be reversed and the tecnicos got the win by DQ. Really good match!

Mistico/Terry 2000/Super Nova vs Atlantis/Krimen/Sadico: It was just revealed today as a matter of fact that Super Nova is the ex-Spider Kid, aka Texano's second son. That explains his CMLL roster spot and push in AULL. This was the match EVERYONE was looking forward to since you had Mistico teaming with Terry 2000 who is considered to be the AULL version of Mistico and Atlantis teaming with the two rudos who have been getting rave reviews from their work thus far. It was seriously a dream match for the last week on every message board. So of course... it has turned into quite the controversial match.:) First things first... in the introductions, Mistico got announced last but once again emphasized the gimmick of everyone is a star by letting his partners go to the ring first and letting them have all the attention. Crowd popped *HUGE* when Mistico started the match with... SADICO! I don't think anyone was expecting that. What came next was even more of a shocker... THEY TOOK IT TO THE MAT!!! The crowd was 110% going nuts for this. Atlantis ended up barging in and kicking Mistico. Mistico challenged him to come back inside but instead... Krimen entered! HUGE POP! What did he do? He took it to the mat with Mistico as well! Crowd was loving this(as was I obviously!). Mistico looked pretty darn capable on the mat. It wasn't Navarro/Solar type matwork but it was good enough to the point you can see Mistico is far from your typical U.S. indy guy who can only fly, even his most hardcore hater would have to admit. In fact, this is where the controversy is coming from as the magazines praised Mistico's matwork and a lot of anti-Mistico fans agreed... but of course there are still a ton of people who hate him no matter what so now you have the anti-Mistico fans vs the anti-Mistico fans who now respect that he is only limitd by what CMLL forces him to do. It's a fun debate to follow.:) Anyways... Mistico once again got kicked by Atlantis while working the mat and finally Atlantis tagged in officially. Mistico ducks a clothesline... spinning frankensteiner! Grabs Atlantis' arm... springboard twisting armdrag! MISTICO! *clap clap clap* MISTICO! *clap clap clap* MIST... ATLANTIS WITH THE ATLANTIDA AND MISTICO GIVES UP IMMEDIATLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE POP!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear this match thus far had the most innovative booking of the year so far in Mexico. Atlantis celebrated with his partners as Mistico's partners looked on in stunned silence. Second fall started fast with Super Nova working an awesome exhange with Krimen. I counted about 35 backflips in a span of 45 seconds.:P He used some nice armdrags and headscissors as well. Then it was Terry 2000/Sadico's time! AND THEY BLEW THE ROOF OFF THE PLACE! I'm convinced Sadico is the real star and just carrying Terry 2000 but I do appreciate what Terry 2000 does. They had an awesome battle for a headlock to start and then kicked into high gear. Terry did this IN-FUCKING-CREDIBLE BLIND SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW ARMDRAG to send Sadico outside and end their sequence. Mistico and Atlantis then entered and Mistico did his usual routine, ending with a pescado to the outside! Nova hit the Nova Driver on Krimen and then Terry 2000 used his spinning armbar on Sadico! Another huge pop as the falls were tied up! Third fall another brilliant start with Mistico/Sadico exchanging slaps and then... Sadico working flying spots ON Mistico!!! Mistico came back with a headscissors of his own but then Atlantis knocked him down and took out Nova/Terry as well which began the rudo beatdown. Thus far the match was PERFECT. It slipped a bit after the beatdown b/c the comeback was timed wrong by either Terry or Mistico... not sure who was to blame but even the crowd noticed something went wrong. Either way, Mistico hit his springboard frankensteiner and 6-1-9 on Atlantis. Then Nova/Krimen went at it and Krimen got sent outside where Nova took him into the crowd with a frankensteiner off the apron! Krimen attacked Terry 2000 and shot him into the turnbuckles. He then whipped him into the opposite buckles but Terry 2000 ran up the ropes... AND DOVE OVER THE RINGPOST INTO THE CROWD ON KRIMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crowd went APESHIT! Nova then sent Sadico outside... hit the ropes... AND CRUSHED HIM WITH A RUNNING SOMERSAULT PLANCHA TO PERFECTION!!! Not even the weak kind ala Mascara Purpura where you land on your own feet - the kind where you CRUSH your opponent on the landing! Mistico and Atlantis the entered... and you've seen this before but it was made all the more sweet by how amazing the match was... LA MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTICA! TECNICOS WIN!!! Mistico didn't even celebrate, he just rolled right outside and went to check on Terry 2000! Post-match had interviews with TERRY 2000 and SADICO! So the focus of the match was the AULL guys, not Mistico and Atlantis. Fucking genius booking. Fucking awesome match of the year candidate!

I felt bad for the guys that had to go on after that but I gotta give even more praise to Guzman b/c he booked a genius card right down to knowing that match would rock and thus the guys who went on next were not sent out there to try and one-up the previous match, they were there to setup the next week's show...

Villano III/Ultimo Vampiro/Nick La Muerte vs Halloween/Psicopata/Tortuga Mutante Verde: NOOOOOOOOO! IT'S THE EVIL GREEN TURTLE! FUCK YOU EVIL TURTLE! I WANT THE REAL NINJA TURTLES!!! I'm sorry... AULL is too much fun!:D This is such an awesome rudo team though. A human pumpkin, a mutated turtle and a Mankind/Al Snow combo who bumps like he is Psicosis in 1994 taking on Villano III, a vampire and a guy wearing La Parka's old outfit and a skeleton mask. DOES IT GET ANY BETTER?!?!?!?!?!?!? Rudos attack right from the start and the entire first fall is just a huge brawl around the building. Tecnicos get disposed of within 5-6 minutes. Second fall is more of the same until Villano III ignites the comeback and the tecnicos take their time throwing the rudos around. When things calm down, Ultimo Vampiro and Psicopata are in the ring but not for too long. Psicopata ends up outside and eats a bullet tope suicida from Vampiro! NICE! Villano III then makes the EVIL FUCKING MUTATED GREEN TURTLE submit while Nick La Muerte rolls up Halloween. In the third fall Villano III shows he is the complete opposite from Mascara Sagrada and does a cool spot where it looks like he is ready to face Halloween but then tags in Ultimo Vampiro and coaches him a bit before leaving the ring. So simple... so awesome. Third fall progresses as normal for a bit but there is this one sick sick sick sick sick sick sick moment where Psicopata gets a full head of steam and runs right at Nick La Muerte... only to be HIPTOSSED OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like I was watching Psicosis circa '94 as I stated earlier! This was not a normal hiptoss where you use the ropes to guide yourself and land on your feet outside the ring... he took the hiptoss and *NEVER BOTHERED TO TOUCH THE ROPES FOR HELP*, then proceeded to take a perfect flat back bump on the floor which caused a sick thud!!! I am clipping it out as we speak and putting it on YouTube! The best part aside from the crowd reacting like someone just got shot and everyone stood up to get a good look was the ringside doctor jumping over the guardrail and running over to make sure Psicopata was alright but Psicopata saw him coming and rolled away while acting crazy. So he sold the bump and stayed in gimmick! PSICOPATA IS AWESOME! All good things must come to an end though so the rudos quickly ganged up on the tecnicos and Halloween introduced a chair to the match. Villano III was taking a ton of punishment and could have been pinned many times but the rudos pulled him up. Meanwhile Ultimo Vampiro was hung in the tree of woe so he couldn't help his buddy. Nick La Muerte suffered the same fate. With no hope in sight, Rocky Santana and Terry 2000 ran out to save Villano III! Tecnicos won by DQ(which was called just before the run-in) and post-match challenges were issued by Villano III and Halloween which sets up next week's main event: Villano III, Rocky Santana and Terry 2000 against Halloween, Black Terry and Sadico. You have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how thrilled I am at the thought of Rocky Santana and Black Terry taking it to the mat. This is gonna be 10x better than Navarro vs Maravilla... I think.

Well folks... as if you couldn't tell - this is another show of the year candidate along with Arena Mexico 8/4, AAA Triplemania 6/18 and AAA 5/18 in Toluca. Guzman took a chance by releasing that lineup. He took a chance in assuming none of the stars would balk at the idea of working in a position lower than they expected. Sagrada, Villano III and the CMLL guys could have easily pulled a powerplay and refused it but they didn't and all were pro's except for Sagrada early on. He also took a chance that the fans wouldn't take to the idea and would rather see Villano III vs Atlantis in some sort of trios match. In the end though... he proved to be a genius b/c this show was A-MA-ZING! Each match was booked perfectly and everyone was given the chance to shine. Terry 2000, Sadico, Krimen, Super Nova, Psicopata, Robin Maravilla, Ultimo Gladiador, Sepultero, Astro Boy and Dr. Karonte Jr. all came out looking like stars which is exactly the way it should be.

I seriously can't stress this enough... AMAZING SHOW and AMAZING BOOKING!

I have to turn negative for a second though and ask why can't CMLL do something like this? As long as Mistico is on the show, attendance will be fine so why not use one of these Sunday Coliseo shows to mix things up and try to elevate some guys in the eyes of the fans? We all know you can't do it in Arena Mexico b/c the opening match guys are put there for a reason... the fans only start showing up in time for the second match. So the guys in the opener are just used to fill time and are yanked immediatly when enough fans are in the building. But Coliseo shows are the time when you can play around since you are drawing a normal crowd anyways. Here's my fantasy booking for a Sunday taping called - "CMLL: Todos Somos Estrellas pero Mistico es el Mejor" (:)):

PRIMERA: Tzuki/Ultimo Dragncito/Bam Bam vs Pierrothito/Pequeno Violencia/Fire
- Mini's to start the show off since they can't be involved any higher up as CMLL doesn't do mixed matches.

SEGUNDA: Marcela/Dark Angel/India Sioux vs La Amapola/Princesa Sujei/La Medusa
- Gotta get the women on as well to show I am fair.:)

MAIN EVENT #1: Satanico/Flash/Valiente vs Alex Koslov/Artillero/Super Comando
- Satanico has worked this low before, except now he'll get to team with two guys who usually works openers. Flash can be introduced as the new future flyer and Valiente can get more TV time to get himself over as the new Super Astro. Meanwhile on the rudo side you have Koslov who wouldn't be afraid to work with new guys and take some big moves and you get to introduce the Guerrilleros as a regular tag team rather than splitting them up.

MAIN EVENT #2: Heavy Metal/Maximo/Stuka Jr. vs Shocker/Emilio Charles Jr./Ramstein
- See, I'm sticking with current booking to make the card sensible at the very least. Maximo/Emilio are feuding. Meanwhile you stick Metal/Shocker in the match for star power and you can continue the Shocker turn by having either Quemonito come out with Maximo like he used to OR just have Shocker/Emilio not getting along b/c of their past. In the meantime Stuka Jr. and Ramstein can do their thing.

MAIN EVENT #3: Dos Caras Jr./Volador Jr./Leono vs Ultimo Guerrero/El Averno/Hooligan
- Leono is obviously the next guy that CMLL wants to break out so this is a perfect chance to match him up with arguably(maybe... you'd have to be a good arguer) the best three rudos on their roster right now. Plus you get to acknowledge Hooligan as an official Guerreros member so cubs can be happy! This could even be the last match to go on...

MAIN EVENT #4: Mistico/Sagrado/Mascara Purpura vs Atlantis/Eclipse/Sangre Azteca
- Purpura is a guy they are looking to push at some point and him teaming with Mistico means Mistico can cut down on the flying for this match, much like the AULL match where Terry 2000 was in charge of that part of the match. Sagrado and Eclipse can be paired up as natural rivals since they are both pretty big. Meanwhile you give Sangre Azteca his chance to be a main eventer so in the future when you need a sub for a no-showing Tarzan Boy, you can just insert Azteca instead of Soberano Jr.!

Honestly, I would really like to know - WHAT IS WRONG WITH A CARD LIKE THAT? It took me 15 minutes to put together. I know that is triple the usual amount of time Tony Salazar, Brazo De Oro, Jose Luis Feliciano, etc. put into CMLL booking per week but what do you say CMLL... give it a shot some day?

Monday, October 16, 2006

CMLL TV 8/12/06

Blue Panther/Dr. Wagner Jr./Lizmark Jr. vs Eclipse/Olimpico/Ultimo Guerrero: I actually enjoyed this a bit even though I remember hating it when it originally aired. Wagner had his working boots on more than usual and had no problems selling for the new guy Eclipse. Obviously the only person that looked out of place was Lizmark Jr. but that's to be expected, isn't it? Panther and Guerrero had a really fun exchange which makes me wish their Guadalajara match from 2004 would have been better.:( I also think Panther and Olimpico work great together so perhaps one day a Sunday Coliseo show could have them in a singles main event? Tecnicos won clean. Solid stuff from all five actual wrestlers.

Momentos had two new spots from the opening match of the amazing 8/4 show. Tigre Metalico with a high asai moonsault onto Artillero(he crushed him!) and Tigre Blanco using his rolling leglock finisher on Super Comando. They also showed Okumura dropping Sagrado on his head with a german suplex but that airs down the road so I'll call it a replay.:P

El Hijo Del Santo/Negro Casas/Dos Caras Jr. vs Hector Garza/Mr. Aguila/La Parka: Loooooooooooooooooooooong match by CMLL standards. I had it timed at about 19 minutes or so and the first fall especially was quite long with a rudo beatdown, comeback and bonus spots all in that primera caida! The Santo/Parka new feud seemed to be the main focus which made the finish all the more confusing. Casas and Aguila worked a really fun exchange. They did the spot where Casas used his matrix-move to duck a lariat from Aguila who then did his awesome handspring moonsault but got nailed with a spin kick. Dos Jr. and Garza have great chemistry together and Garza is in top chickenshit rudo form when working with the tall tecnico. Santo hit two nice dives as you'd expect from him. Finish had Parka low blowing Dos Jr. out of nowhere. Crowd seemed disapointed. I think EVERYONE wanted to see Santo vs Parka setup for the week after. CMLL should never have booked Santo/Parka together b/c anything else but them together in the main event the next week was gonna disapoint the audience. Should have never been teased!

Rey Bucanero vs Perro Aguayo Jr.: I was not a fan of this at all. Had everything I hate... tons of Perrito stalling... tons of silly Bucanero spots... tons of interference from Garza... and goofy refereeing to put the icing on the cake. Crowd got into the nearfalls in the third fall but then left really disapointed by the cheap finish. I really must not get this promotion. They come off one of the hottest shows in company history(I'd say 3rd or 4th hottest show ever) and book the two top matches to have cheap finishes where nothing is settled or built to. Does that make sense to ANYONE?!?!?!?!?

Main event was a huge letdown but still a reccomended show for the first two matches. Like I said - if you wanna check out current CMLL, get the 7/29 show, the 8/5 show and this show. You get to see a really good show, a fantastic blowaway show and then what the promotion is REALLY like most of the time.:)

Now I shall go finish the AULL 'Todos Somos Estrellas' show which has been great so far.
AAA 7/23 & 7/28 TV Tapings

7/23 in Tulancingo:

Fuego Extremo and Tlaxsys vs Amo De La Noche and Paranoico: I guess I'm alone in think Tlaxsys is an awesome name? They showed the entrances but then clipped straight to a frankensteiner off the apron by Tlaxsys and then clipped again straight to three big dives and the finishing spots. I'm guessing we missed nothing special b/c all these guys are Crazzy Boy wannabe's to the point if I posted this match online somewhere and didn't tell you who was in the match, you'd surely assume either Tlaxsys or Amo De La Noche were Crazzy Boy himself. I think Fuego Extremo became Pesadilla for the Luchador por un Sueno tournament. MAYBE. Dives were awesome but everything else they did was sloppy as hell.

Cynthia Moreno/Estrellita/Fabi Apache vs La Diabolica/Rossy Moreno/Tiffany: Short match which was obviously just on the card to further the Shocker/Estrellita storyline. Cynthia looked alright but she used the same dive twice(silla off the apron). I'll never understand why a wrestler would try the same dive twice in a match unless it was a signature dive they often win from by countout ala Chicana's old tope suicida. Finish had Shocker run out and give Estrellita a kiss. She was distracted and got rolled up.

Oriental and Triple A vs Scorpio Jr. and Toro Irisson: Has a more pointless match ever been booked? They must have promised bookings to these guys and weren't able to fit them in anywhere else. I was actually really scared when this match was first announced b/c the AAA website talked about matches like these being done more often as AAA tried to introduce a tag team division. YIKES! Thankfully it was a one shot deal. Rudos dominated the entire match and Triple A bled big time. Tecnicos fought back near the end of the third fall and both guys hit big dives which got a huge pop. Then everyone re-entered the ring and the tecnicos pinned the rudos at the same time for the win. Could have been worse!

Crazzy Boy/Joe Lider/Juventud Guerrera vs Escoria/El Cuervo/Ozz: As you should have expected - the MexPower(especially Crazzy Boy) were very over in Tulancingo. Still... the match had very little heat. It's as if the crowd was happy to see Crazzy Boy but then realized they had to watch him wrestle and turned silent. Who said Tulancingo crowds weren't smart?:) Typical match with lots of fancy moves... some which hit and a lot which didn't. I love the psychology of the match just STOPPING in the middle so Crazzy and Cuervo could brawl into the crowd and up to the top of the arena where Crazzy did a moonsault off the announcers position onto Cuervo. Should I also mention the spot happened in the corner of the arena where there was no lighting? So only 1/4th of the audience could see it and the TV cameras could barely catch it properly. It's okay though b/c Crazzy Boy is HARDCORE! I felt bad watching the guys in La Secta taking some of the stupid moves. Both Escoria and Ozz did tornillos near the end of the match. I honestly forget the finish but post-match had Chessman and Juventud arguing over the microphone.

El Alebrije/El Elegido/El Zorro vs Alens/Charly Manson/The Monster: Aliens had a new mask and outfit which looked awesome! The early portion of the match was fun as the tecnicos got to do some fun stuff. Then the rudos took over and the match slowed to a crawl. Just as the tecnicos were starting to fight back, the new greatest stable in the history of wrestling made an appearence... LOS ALIEGENIAS!!! Or however it is spelt.:P They attacked the tecnicos, especially Alebrije and Cuije. Fun angle but it's a shame AAA never followed up on it till about two months later! I think Alebrije/Triple A/Mascara Divina/Oriental or Angel vs Los Aliegnias could have been a great mid-card feud and a nice change of pace from the weekly MexPower matches.

La Parka Jr./Brazo De Plata/Gronda II vs Abismo Negro/Chessman/Shocker: Not the best showing by the AAA main guys. Porky and Chessman worked good together for the second straight week and Chessman managed to use a better spear than the week before! I'm shocked Porky takes that so well. Gronda II looked beyond awful. It was just embarassing. Parka used a tope suicida and Porky did a plancha off the apron. Abismo tombstoned Gronda behind the referees back and got the win. The crowd really didn't seem to care that Gronda just got nailed with a tombstone so I'd consider the angle a failure although it leads to funny moments in the next few weeks.:)

Pretty bad show overall. Not a single match worth watching again.

7/28 in Madero:

WOO-HOO! MADERO! I always have high hopes for normal TV tapings in this building b/c AAA often uses it for big shows so guys are used to stepping up their work.

Rey Cometa/Laredo Kid/Super Fly/Nemesis vs Escoria/El Cuervo/Ozz/Espiritu: Great to see these teams matched up once again! Usual start with a little bit of matwork and some flying by the tecnicos which led into the rudo beatdown. The beatdown included this great spot where two of La Secta kicked Rey Cometa in the back of the leg as he came off the ropes(i.e. he was ready to take the Abismo bump into the ropes) but as he went for the bump - he got dropkicked by the other two Secta guys! Comeback was nicely executed by Super Fly who was having a good night and hitting all his spots. Then each tecnico got to show his stuff off against each rudo. Rey Cometa looked the best and hit this AMAZING springboard twisting armdrag to the floor on Ozz! After a few minutes of neat back and forth spots, Cometa hit a plancha on Espiritu. Laredo Kid took out Escoria with an asai moonsault. Nemesis used a tope suicida on Ozz. Super Fly took out Cuervo with an asai moonsault. In the ring Cometa had the match seemingly won and went for a flying cross body press but Espiritu yanked his mask off in mid-air and got the win for his team. Another good showing by both teams.

Centauro/Pimpinela Escarlata/Mascarita Sagrada 2000/Estrellita vs Hator/May Flowers/Mini Abismo Negro/Tiffany: Hilarious angle pre-match where Shocker comes out with flowers and Pimpinela thinks they are for him but Shocker says no. May Flowers then laughs and thinks they are for him but once again Shocker says no. All the rudos then assume they are for Tiffany but Shocker walks right by them and hands them to Estrellita. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Beatdown right from the start. Hator is turning into quite the fun wrestler. I think he fits in perfect as a rudo in AAA and I'm anxious to see his work as a Guapo on future DVD's. Tecnicos fought back but there wasn't much in the way of action after that as they went straight to the finish which had a dive sequence where Estrellita's corkscrew on a running Mini Abismo Negro was the best. Tecnicos won by DQ after Hator used a low blow on Centuaro who looked only average in his debut and was probably just a local guy who paid to be on the show or helped set the show up.

Los Barrio Boys vs Crazzy Boy/Juventud Guerrera/Psicosis: Once again... I felt horrible for the Barrios who were taking stupid moves left and right from their opponents. There was a triple suplex spot where all the MexPower guys were outside the ring and the Barrios were inside the ring. Thankfully the spot went IN the ring instead of OUT.:/ Alan blew a tope suicida but didn't appear to be hurt. Lider then superplexed Billy Boy off the top rope onto both Alan and Juventud. Really dangerous spot b/c Lider didn't protect Billy at all and kinda just flung him(luckily the catchers were right there or it'd have been a disaster). And what did the "extreme" Joe Lider do? He just hung onto the ropes on the way down and barely took a bump. Well why bump unless there is a flaming table wrapped in barbed wire, right? Psicosis did a run-in and helped Crazzy Boy use a Spanish Fly on Decnis through a bunch of lighttubes. Unfortunately that's a DQ in AAA unlike NGX so the Barrios won.

El Elegido/El Zorro/Oriental vs Alan Stone/Scorpio Jr./Shocker: Pretty fun match. Oriental was looking a little extra motivated, probably b/c he knew he had a push coming up. This was the first time Zorro's mask got taken off and I guess if it comes off he starts bleeding b/c he was a bloody mess. They had a sick slo-mo reply of when the mask came off and I guess he had just bladed b/c you could see the blood spurting out of his head.:D Oriental used a nice ringpost plancha on Alan. Then Estrellita ran out with the flowers Shocker gave her but she smashed them over his head and he got rolled up and pinned by Elegido or Zorro... I forget which. Los Guapos are actually quite entertaining and they're comedy spot have me rolling at times.

La Parka Jr./Brazo De Plata/Gronda II vs Abismo Negro/Electro Shock/Muerte Cibernetica: This match needed Chessman obviously. The comedy just wasn't there and the work clearly wasn't there. Still... the crowd was entertained by whatever it was they were doing so I guess it was an alright main event. Gronda wasn't allowed to wrestle by the doctors so it was largely a handicap match until both Parka and Porky did dives which left Abismo all alone... only for him to turn around and see Gronda had came back to ringside and ripped off his neckbrace! WHAT A MONSTER!!! He knocked Abismo down but then Banderas and Electro re-entered the ring and used a double spear which looked neat and Gronda got covered by all three rudos. That was actually genius booking and a great way to have a monster get pinned for the first time. Problem is Gronda has been pinned before, he isn't an effective monster and there was no follow-up. This type of finish would have been perfect for Goldberg's first pinfall loss in WCW and people would have praised the genius of it.

Average show. I enjoyed the entire card but that might just be b/c I'm a huge AAA mark. Definitely not a show for people who are just getting into AAA but for a typical fan there's a lot to enjoy from this. Plus another chapter in the Fuerza Aerea vs Secta feud! How can you go wrong with that?:)